Labels:bulletin board | reckoner | sky OCR: Regular Expressions Now let's look at a couple useful examples: Suppose you want to set up a mailbox filter for someone who writes email from several different machines in his network so that his From header can be joe@machinel host. domain or "joe@some other machine. host. .domain" etc. Of course you could create separate filters for all of his addresses if you know them all, but you can also simply use the regex joe@ host domain Remember that you must 'escape" the literal peri .ods with backslash Suppose you want to kill all articl les longer than 1000 lines. You could the LJ .nes header and use regex such [0-9]{4, This will find any number consisting of four or more digits Killing arti 300 lines is bit more comp licated You can use the regex [3-9][0-9] because this will miss the numbers ...